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El sector público

El sector público

Fernando Álvarez, Juan F. Corona, Marc B. Escolà

136 Pages
Price (including VAT):
Book : 17€

El sector público
(The public sector)

This monograph provides clear and concise insight into the history of the public purse and the ideas that almost every civilization has developed with regard to it. It also carries out a brief analysis of the role played by the public sector in the light of the main schools of economic thought, from ancient times through to the most recent contributions of the early 21st century.

A key summary of how economists –in the broadest sense of the term, from the Egypt of the pharaohs to contemporary social thought– have interpreted the economics of the public sector, an institution that represents, in almost all developed countries, around fifty percent of total economic activity. With this work, the authors help us to understand what is happening today and what may come to pass in the immediate future.

Primera Parte

Categorizando el Sector Público
1. La aparición del sector público en la economía
2. Objetivos y actuación del Sector Público
3. Economía pública y Hacienda pública

Segunda Parte

Evolucionando con el Sector Público
1. El pensamiento antiguo
El Egipto faraónico
El Creciente Fértil
Púnicos: Fenicia y Cartago
La herencia helénica
2. El pensamiento medieval
Bizantinos e islámicos
La Escolástica y el Tomismo
3. El pensamiento moderno
La Escuela de Salamanca
El Mercantilismo
El Cameralismo
La Fisiocracia
4. El pensamiento contemporáneo
La Escuela Clásica
El Historicismo y la ciencia financiera alemana decimonónica
La Revolución Marginalista
La Economía del Bienestar
El Socialismo
El Institucionalismo
El Keynesianismo
La Sociología Financiera
La Teoría de la Elección Pública
La Nueva Economía Política

Juan Francisco Corona Ramón

Doctor in Economic and Business Sciences and Professor of Public Finance. Permanent member of Spain’s Royal Academy of Doctors. He has been a lecturer in the Economic and Business Sciences and Law faculties of the University of Barcelona, the Universitat de les Illes Balears and the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. He is currently Honorary Rector of the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU.

He is the author of numerous scholarly works, including Economía pública. Una introducción (Public economics. An introduction) , with Professors Álvarez and Díaz. He has also carried out copious amounts of research work for Spanish and international institutions.

Marc B. Escolà i Pons

Holds a bachelor’s degree and doctorate in Political Sciences and in Law, and is Professor of Public Management. Ex-Secretary-General of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU. He was a lecturer in public management studies and political sciences and in administration at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. He is currently Professor at the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, on leave of absence.

Promoter of the Permanent Seminar on the History of Political and Social Thought of Barcelona, he is the author and editor of a number of monographic studies in the field, such as Ideas de Europa (Ideas in Europe) and Ideas de Poder (Ideas of Power) . He is also responsible for numerous works on governability and security, partnering with institutions both public and private as consultant and advisor.

Fernando Álvarez Gómez

Doctor in Applied Economics from the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, with a bachelor’s degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona. He has been a lecturer in the Economic and Social Sciences and the Legal Science faculties of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. He is currently lecturer in Economics and Business Studies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Director of the Business Sciences programme for said university.

He has carried out a large amount of research work for Spanish and international institutions, including the Instituto de Empresa y Humanismo, Instituto de Estudios Económicos, Instituto de Empresa Familiar, Cercle d’Economia d’Andorra and the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, amongst others. His published works include scholarly and educational books and articles, in particular Economía pública. Una introducción (Public economics. An introduction) .


En Huygens Editorial
C/ Casanova 32, local - 08011 Barcelona