The Research Group of the University of Lleida (UDL), recognized by the Department of "Innovation, Universities and Enterprise" of the Generalitat of Catalonia, "Art and Culture of Golden Age" (ACEM), led by Professor of History Modern art of the UDL, Dr. Ximo Company, has as main objective of scientific study the Golden Age art (XV-XVIII centuries), particularly that produced in Spain and Portugal and in the Mediterranean.
As a consequence of the research interests of ACEM, the International Congress on History of Painting of Golden Age: from Michelangelo to Goya, is conceived as a great opportunity to share with the scientific community and the public in general, the most important findings and recent advances on art-historical research and on some of the most famous painters of the Universal History of Painting. For more information and call for papers: www.fundacio.udl.cat/CIHPEM/index.html