Los desafíos éticos que la Covid-19 plantea a la victimología

Ezzat A. Fattah


What is victimology? To search for a valid, universal definition of this relatively new term is an exercise in futility! Is victimology a scientific discipline? Is it an academic field? Is it a scholarly and research endeavor? Is it a helping profession? A social movement? A humanitarian crusade? Is it about criminal justice reform? Is it an advocacy/partisan enterprise? Is it a political campaign? Is it an action plan? Is it a neutral undertaking?
Yes, what exactly is victimology? Contrary to other social sciences whose subject-matter can be easily grasped from the title, victimology seems to denote different things to different observers. For obvious reasons, defining victimology is way beyond the scope of this essay.

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Societat Catalana de VictimologiaSociedad Vasca de VictimologíaHuygens

HUYGENS EDITORIAL / Barcelona / T. (+34) 932 107 097 / info@huygens.es / http://www.revistadevictimologia.com